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More than 10 health benefits of berry drink

Cranberries are a fruit whose benefits are varied making them useful in food as well as in medicinal products. Its name refers to the Latin macrocarpon and it is one of the native fruits of North America.
Cranberries contain a huge amount of antioxidant capacity compared to other fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and apple. One cup of cranberries offers a total of 8983 antioxidant capabilities.

The nutritional value of cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and willow acid. By containing only 45 calories per cup, cranberry juice fits very well under the dietary guidelines. Cranberry juice also contains 87.13 g water per 100 grams. It also provides energy, protein and carbohydrates. In terms of minerals, containing calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and zinc. It also contains vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, E (alpha-tocopherol) and vitamin K (fluokinone). Cranberries are members of the Ericaceae family, and native to North America.

Benefits of Mulberry Juice

-Mulberry juice helps to treat weakness and sexual impotence in the couple, as it contains a high proportion of zinc, which increases sexual desire in women and increases the sexual ability in men because it increases the hormone testosterone and has also helped in pregnancy in females.

-Anemic patients are treated with anemia, which increases the hemoglobin in the blood and produces more red blood cells.

-Helps to control blood sugar, because it contains low rates of sugars, and is useful in the treatment of liver diseases and activates his work.

-Improves the work of the respiratory system, it resists coughing cough and is used in the treatment of throat tumors, gingivitis, dyspnea, whooping cough, asthma, and bronchitis, and is used as a gargle for the treatment of hoarseness and suffocation.

-Energizes the body and prevents the feeling of weakness and weakness of power.

-It opens the appetite for food and improves the health of patients in convalescence.

-Reduces temperature rise, it is a cure for measles, smallpox and scarlet fever.

-Improves the work of the urinary tract; it activates the work of kidneys and bladder and wash them of impurities and suspended deposits, so it is recommended to drink berries for those suffering from inflammation of the urinary tract, or the presence of deposits in the kidneys.

-Reduces the feeling of thirst, so it is recommended to eat in Ramadan after fasting from fasting.

-It is useful if it is used externally in the healing and healing of wounds and treatment of burns as well.

-Contains anti-oxidants that delay the signs of aging and the appearance of wrinkles on the skin, improves the appearance of the skin and makes it smooth free of grain and pimples and impurities, and protects the growth and spread of free radicals, which prevents cancer, especially colon cancer, esophagus, and skin.

- The berries are used in the manufacture of valleys to improve taste and coloration of medical drugs.

Health benefits of cranberry juice

Cranberry juice has long been used to treat various diseases. Some of the health benefits of cranberries include the following:

Cardiovascular health:

Cranberry juice can help reduce the risk of heart disease related and help maintain cardiovascular health. The flavonoids found in cranberries have antioxidant properties and can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease that narrowes the arteries due to the accumulation of fat and calcium, found in the cholesterol level in the blood. This hampers oxygen-rich blood flow to different parts of the body and can lead to fatal consequences such as heart attacks and strokes. These compounds have been shown to delay and prevent oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and stimulate the utilization of platelets.

Cure colds:

Fresh cranberry juice is effective in fighting diseases. It cures sore throat and colds.

Good for obesity:

Cranberry juice is rich in organic acids, which have an emulsifying effect on fat deposits in the body. So, it's good for people who want to get rid of those extra pounds.

Avoid respiratory infections:

According to studies conducted, cranberry juice helps to prevent certain strains of the influenza pandemic, which is a common cause of ear infections and respiratory diseases in children. Juice prevents hair structures like bacteria, discouraging them from joining the surface of the skin.

Prevents kidney stones:

A high amount of acid components found in cranberry juice prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Cranberry juice and cancer:

Also published in recent years, studies of cancer, related to cranberry juice and its benefits. For example, according to a study of the University of Ohio, drinking cranberry juice, prevents the growth and spread of cancer cells in the pharynx, and even leads to destruction. The study links it to the natural antioxidants in cranberry juice, called Proanthocyanidins, and is particularly effective. The researchers concluded that cranberry juice has an effect in fighting pharyngeal cancer cells, which slow their growth rate, inhibit proliferation and even destroy them.

Cranberries contain Proanthocyanidins, which inhibit the growth of different cancer cells. Studies have suggested that diets rich in flavonoids play a key role in reducing the risk of cancer and cancer mortality. Cranberry juice contains anti-cancer components that interfere with the growth of cancer cells, especially those that are associated with colon and prostate cancer. According to studies, bruanthosianidines can stop small tumors from developing countries in the blood vessels. Regular consumption of cranberry juice prevents the rapid growth of tumors. The chemicals in cranberries also prevent the proliferation of breast cancer cells.

Strengthens bones and teeth:

Although cranberry juice is a natural source of calcium, many juice companies add extra calcium to cranberry juice. Natural or otherwise, calcium reduces the risk of osteoporosis.


The anti-inflammatory effects of cranberry juice have proven to be effective against the inflammation caused in the lungs of influenza virus.

Benefits of anti-aging:

Scientists at the US Department of Agriculture's Human Research Center suggest that the wealth of plant nutrients and antioxidants found in cranberries play a vital role in providing protection against problems that develop with age such as memory loss and lack of coordination. Cranberries have many therapeutic properties that protect cells from damage caused by unstable particles called free radicals that contribute to aging, making the skin look younger.


Cranberry fruit extract is used in making various sauces and cranberries cocktail juice. About one liter of juice can be extracted from 1500 grams of fresh cranberries. Cocktails Cranberry juice is approximately 30% pure cranberry juice mixed with artificial sweetener or fructose. Dried cranberries can be enjoyed with breakfast cereals or can be added to cakes.

Damage to cranberry juice

Cranberry juice provides a variety of health benefits, except for the few exceptions listed below:


Warfarin is an anticoagulant that is used as the basis of blood clotting and reduces the chances of blood clots in the body. These blood clots lead to more serious conditions such as heart disorders and blood vessels or clots in the legs, lungs, and other parts of the cardiovascular system. There is evidence to suggest that people who take warfarin should be cautious about eating wild berries, as they are at high risk of bleeding. The excessive consumption of cranberry juice is not recommended for these people as it may affect the effectiveness and safety of warfarin in the body.
In such cases, it is always advisable to regularly get your blood test in order to consume the correct dose of medication.

Aspirin sensitivity:

Cranberries contain large amounts of salicylic acid, which are also present in aspirin. People who need blood fluency and aspirin are prescribed to avoid consuming too much cranberry juice. Cranberry intake should also be restricted if you are allergic to aspirin.

kidney stones:

Cranberry extracts contain a large proportion of calcium oxalate. This increases the chances of developing calcium oxalate stones and uric acid stones in some people. People who have kidney stones or have a history of kidney stones should consult a medical professional before consuming cranberry supplements or a large amount of cranberry juice. Studies have provided evidence that cranberry juice can raise the level of oxalate in the urine by up to 43%.


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