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Unfortunate people who died shortly after they cheated death

Unfortunate people who died shortly after they cheated death

The saying "cheats never win" does not apply to death. When someone cheats death, he feels like they have earned the right to continue living. To be as lucky as to perish soon after would feel useless and cruel on a certain cosmic level.

Of course, all of this assumes that life has rules and that these rules are right. It is horrible to think that we are at the mercy of a random and indifferent universe; many of us say that everything happens for a reason, or at least the major things do. So, if you survive a deadly event, then you are obviously supposed to live for a while, right?

But what if there is not "supposed to"? What if life begins and ends as a series of chance occurrences that we react to but can never really control? If so, then chances are some people will be extremely lucky just one moment to be tragically unhappy with the next because notions like fairness or purpose just would not apply. For reasons we will never know, or perhaps for no reason at all, the poor, unlucky souls below seemingly escaped certain death only to die shortly thereafter.

1 Earthquake survivors killed by helicopter

Few things sound more apocalyptic than an earthquake. The thought of the earth, the firmest thing you know, furiously moved beneath you makes everything seem fleeting. For example, when a magnitude 7.2 earthquake rocked Oaxaca, Mexico, in February 2018, residents felt a rush of panic.

It was the third major earthquake in Mexico in six months, by the Los Angeles Times. Oaxaca was probably still faltering from the first of these disasters, which killed dozens of residents and more than 400 people across the country. But this time Lady luck seemed more compassionate. There were apparently no deaths from the February earthquake. But the soil turned out to be the least of their worries.

Naturally afraid to sleep in their homes, a group of residents gathered in a field and slept on the ground or in vehicles. Unbeknownst to them, a military helicopter was heading toward them. Government officials wanted to assess the damage caused by the earthquake, but ended up doing the most damage themselves. Things spiral out of control during the landing, and the helicopter faired in dormant survivors. Fourteen people died and nearly two dozen injuries sustained. The people aboard the helicopter were largely unscathed.

2 After surviving shipwrecks and months at sea, a man dies while returning home

For the soldiers fighting in the Second World War, every day was probably a near-death experience. But this kind of danger comes with the territory. Unfortunately for Roy Widdicombe, this territory does not only endanger the soldiers. According to the BBC, Widdicombe was a long-time British sailor whose friendship with the ocean began at age 6. As an adult, he made his life on passenger and freight vessels.

During the war, Widdicombe's relationship with the water became turbulent. It began when a shipwreck left him stuck on a lifeboat for more than a week. His next brush with calamity occurred on a coal ship in 1940. On the way to Argentina the ship became a pile of fire after a German Raider attacked him, but Widdicombe and six other people did on a boat joyful and discreetly sneaked in front of their assailants under the cover of darkness.

Within 20 days, four of the six escapees were dead. Widdicombe and the other survivor would spend another 50 days at sea. They endured dehydration, starvation, bad weather, and even crashed into a whale. By the time they finally reached the land in the Bahamas, the two survivors had each shed half of their body weight. Despite their skeletal condition, they recovered with the help of friendly islanders. In 1941 Widdicombe began his journey back from New York, but this trip ended when a German submarine torpedoed his ship, killing him and all the others on board.

3 Woman survives Ebola but dies after childbirth

Ebola is an elusive but relentless disease. He haunts his guests like an indecisive ghost, disappearing and reappearing unexpectedly. Given its almost supernatural behavior and devastating impact, it is not surprising that the disease promotes anxiety and conspiracy theories in places where it is prevalent. Yet when Ebola raised its contagious head in 2014, Salome Karwah appeared immune to both the infection and the fear he spread.

As detailed time, when an Ebola epidemic foments panic and claimed 11,310 lives in Liberia, "Karwah seemed invincible." the daughter of a doctor who caught Ebola, she refused to keep her distance from other patients. Instead, she helped borderless doctors treat them. The incredible altruism of Karwah inspired the time to name him his 2014 Person of the Year.

Unfortunately, not everyone shared Karwah's altruism. In 2017, she gave birth to her fourth child by caesarean section and became seriously ill once she returned home. But when she asked for medical treatment, the hospital staff refused to help her because they thought she was showing signs of Ebola. Karwah's courageous campaign to help Ebola patients frightened doctors and nurses to touch her. Denied the same care and compassion she gave to others, Karwah died a day later.

4 A man fleeing Vesuvius is crushed by a rock

Nowadays, Pompeii Italy is a dark window in the past, but in 79 A.D. it was a city full of unsuspecting people. On August 24, Vesuvius threw a burning cloud of volcanic ash into the sky. According to the story, that ashes mixed with rain, creating a concrete-like coating that froze everyone and everything up for centuries. About 2,000 people made the first eruption, but a second, more intense explosion killed them immediately the next day.

When you include the nearby town of Herculaneum, which has experienced an induced blowout eruption and earthquakes, Vesuvius has wiped out about 13,000 people. However, a person may have been partly a victim of curiosity. As the BBC detailed, in 2018 archaeologists discovered an unlucky man who seemed to have been crushed by a falling rock leaving Pompeii.

The inscriptions on the skeleton of the man suggest that he had an infection of the leg, which makes his escape attempt unfortunate sound all the more desperate. In a few months, however, archeologists have revised the story. They now believe that the man died of asphyxiation and that the rock arrived later.

5 Three Las Vegas shooting survivors die in road tragedies

When a person loses almost everything, his mind locks frantically on the things they value most. Suddenly, the minor inconveniences and superficial joys of existence evaporate, leaving only loved ones and the painful desire to have more time to be with them. When spouses Dennis and Lorraine Carver faced death in Las Vegas, they probably thought of each other.

Like the Times related, Dennis and Lorraine were at the Harvest Music Festival in 2017 when an armed assailant sprayed bullets into the crowd, ending 58 lives. Dennis protected his wife with his own body, and both emerged unscathed. The experience reinforced the bond of the couple, and they decided to live "in the moment." Unfortunately, this moment lasted only two weeks. Fifteen days after the shooting of Las Vegas Dennis and Lorraine died when their car fled the road and in a pair of stone pillars, causing a fiery explosion.

One month after the accident, another Las Vegas survivor, Roy McClellan, died in another car-related incident. Newsweek reported that McClellan was hitchhiking when a Chevy Camaro plowed and took off. And with this man who, apparently, cheated death was stripped of his life.

6 A man survives by crashing in a mountain but dies while seeking safety

Flying can feel magical and terrifying all at once. On the one hand, it frees you from the wingless confines of human biology; on the other hand, it leaves you dangerously vulnerable to gravity. Bob Bickerdike has faced this danger on many levels.

In 2011, Bickerdike went hot air ballooning in the French Alps with three of his friends. As the telegraph has described, he stole his own balloon and his three friends flew into another. Thanks to a horrible accident, he slammed into a mountain 6,000 feet in the air. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured and could even phone his friends to say he was fine.

Once you resist falling from the sky and colliding with a solid mass of the earth, it seems that the worst should be over. But Bickerdike felt like he had landed in "a dangerous place" and decided to find a safer pitch. He had spotted Cottages about half a mile from where he crashed and began to reach them. Unfortunately, while trying to navigate the ice in the growing darkness, Bickerdike dropped 1,300 feet into a ravine.

7 A valiant avalanche survivor dies after reaching safety

Attempting to climb Mount Everest is extremely dangerous at the best of times. But being trapped on this rocky mastodon in the middle of an avalanche sounds like an automatic death sentence. In the case of Dean Higgins, it was even worse because the only things that prevented him from dying on this mountain were a T-shirt and a determination. Fortunately, he was extremely determined.

By the BBC, in 2013, a violent snow attack engulfed Higgins, his wife, and two fellow travelers as they climbed the world's most famous mountain. Higgins managed to dig all the free-they had been buried for six hours-before driving everyone on an eight-hour descent on Everest. But the cold took a furious outcry over Higgins, who needed to be transported to complete the climb. Nevertheless, he did somehow live bottom. It was almost a happy ending. Then the hypothermia was established. In a heartbreaking turn, once everyone was safe, the man who valiantly rescued them died.

8 A woman misses a plane crash but dies in a car accident

Many people treat the capture of their flight as a matter of life and death, but for Johanna Ganthaler it was indeed. As reported by NBC, in 2009 Ganthaler and her husband were to board Air France flight 447, and if they did, they would not be able to return home. Popular science explained that when the aircraft entered a series of thunderclouds, the ice paralyzed its speed sensors and the autopilot turned off. Human pilots reacted with confusion and mistakes. The result was a complex "Error Chain" that culminated in a crash, killing all 228 people on board.

What would normally be a frustrating delay for most people spared Ganthalers' lives, and they flew home the next day. NBC described the couple's luck as miraculous but short-lived. Depressed, less than two weeks after missing their unfortunate flight, they deflected in front of an oncoming truck while driving through Austria. The subsequent collision killed Johanna Ganthaler and severely injured her husband.

9 Man gets brain tumor but gets beaten to death

Your body is your greatest ally, but sometimes it may seem like your worst enemy. In the case of Jeffery Howell, his own brain became dangerous to his health. According to WVUE, Howell developed a malignant brain tumor that had to be surgically removed in 2018. It was a nightmare scenario. The prospect of anything that looks like cancer is scary, but when it affects the organ that governs how you think and function, it's downright terrifying. And knowing that the solution is invasive surgery with its own devastating risks just makes stress worse.

Fortunately, the operation went well. However, three weeks after this rescue operation, Howell was dead. The New York Daily News reported that he liked to fish and went down to the river, but on this particular trip, he hated what he saw. A group of people was throwing bottles into the water, endangering the children who played there. Howell would have told them to drop him, which prompted a fight. In the middle of the fight, someone smashed Howell on the head, and the blow landed near his surgical scar. Shortly after, he died.

10 A man escapes the Pulse Nightclub shooting but perishes at a party

The life of Chris embroider was ruined by the difficulties. As the Washington Post reported, he lost his adoptive mother at the age of 17, which resulted in a gap between him and his father. In 2007, a pilot crashed into his car with such force that he propelled embroidering through his windshield and fractured the spine. He would also contract HIV and hepatitis, not to mention intermittent heart problems. Despite his marathon of sorrows, he brought joy to those around him. As the embroidery best friend put it, he was "the kind of person who entered a room and lit it."

2016 marked yet another close call when a shooter slaughtered 49 people at the Pulse Disco in Orlando. Broder was on the patio blowing a cigarette when the first shots rang. Stimulated by self-preservation, he and a group of others destroyed a fence and ran as fast as their legs could carry them. Three months later, his supernatural luck failed. While attending a party in Tampa, he walked outside for a cigarette and collapsed.

Before anyone realized what had happened, he had already died. An autopsy revealed that embroidery had a genetic defect that compromised the blood vessels in his brain. Without warning, the ships abruptly broke, killing him.

11 A woman emerges from a car accident but enters the opposite direction of the traffic

In 2015 Brittany Leith had a lot to celebrate. By the Huffington Post, she had a 3 year old daughter and was working for a hairdresser career. In addition, she had a supportive grandmother who considered her "the best mother in the world." but no matter what hopes Leith had for the future were sadly annihilated on the morning of November 30th.

Returning from a friend's place, Leith's vehicle hit a median and knocked down. According to people, a pair of concerned drivers stopped opening it at the shoulder of the road. Leith appeared to be physically intact, but what followed raised questions about his mental state. Against the supplications of the other motorists, she insisted on crossing three lanes of traffic to recover objects from her overturned car. Along the way, she entered the path of a driver who did not see it in time.

Just unlucky? Leith's grandmother was left to wonder why the other drivers did not try to restrain her. Leith's girl wondered where her mother was and why she would not come back. The rest of us are wondering why such terrible things happen at all.


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