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The 10 most famous figures in the world have a low IQ

The 10 most famous figures in the world have a low IQ

We often think that the world's celebrities got the highest IQ in their youth. Unexpectedly, many of the world's most famous scientists, artists and heads of state have low levels of intelligence. And thinks he is unable to succeed or achieve any achievements in his life, IQ does not clarify your mental abilities optimistic perhaps a bright future, and now we provide you with a list of world famous people who have low intelligence rates know their names.

10 Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol is one of the most famous artists in the world as he has revolutionized the world of pop music and is one of the most important figures of pop music and has a lot of fans so far, although he achieved a very low level by measuring the level of intelligence that reached 86.

9 Francis Creek

Francis Creek is one of the most famous molecular biologists, and the world's newest breakthrough in the biologist after discovering the structure of DNA in collaboration with the world famous James Watson, he also won the Nobel Prize and well that he obtained a low level when measuring his level of intelligence.

Mohamed Ali Klay

Mohammed Ali is one of the world's most famous boxers, as he was named the legendary boxer, yet he admitted he's not smart, and the BBC's satellite channel gave him the prize for the personality of the sports century, a great personality that will not be repeated by time.


Wilson got the Pulitzer Prize and yet did not score high on IQ, and it's clear to you by reading the names of these that they've been able to get the most important awards in the world despite their lack of intelligence.

Britney Spears

Did you know that Britney Spears got a low level of intelligence when measuring her IQ, Britney Spears is one of the most important singers in the world and yet she got a low level of intelligence and in the last 2012 she got the highest salary in addition to her best sellers in the markets.

Abraham lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is one of the presidents of the United States of America and is the sixteenth among the presidents of the United States of America, known for his intelligence and exceptional insight, yet did not receive a high level of IQ intelligence and did not cause him a sense of embarrassment, and his most important job is not Forget to end the age of slavery.

4 John Kennedy

John F. Kennedy occupies the 35th arrangement between the presidents of the United States of America, has managed to get an IQ of 60 and that is low, although he has been able to reach this prestigious position and become one of the presidents of the United States of America.

3 Richard Fainman

This scientist got a very low level on IQ and although not superior and not brilliant, but he got the Nobel Prize, it's very important and must be the motivation for many.

2 James Watson

This famous scientist has won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of DNA and can not imagine that this big world has got a low level of intelligence, how to achieve this amazing discovery that caused a coup in history human, despite his weak intelligence.

Ronald Reagan

Our list seems to contain many names of the presidents of the United States of America, and despite the progress of the United States of America, some of its presidents have not received a high level of intelligence, President Ronald Reagan is President No. 40 of the United States of America, and he has an IQ of 105 on the Iq scale.


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