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The wasted life of famous animals

The wasted life of famous animals

Young people can be wasted on young people, but fame is definitely wasted on animals. Whether they are a sitcom star or a big screen thief, these puppies and pussy cats do not know they are famous. Heck, they do not even know what fame is. How would you explain the concept of celebrity to a famous animal? And remember, you can only use the words "Sit," "Stay" and "Good Boy."

The fact is, all the benefits of doing it in Hollywood, curved bank accounts, impossible dinner reservations and endless groupies, do not mean one thing to our four-legged friends. And when you strip the benefits of the lifestyle of the rich and famous, which is really left, but the pressure to run, and the disastrous consequences if you do not have.

Being an A-List animal means too often a life of abuse, neglect, torture, all in the hope of pleasing your master, and to snatch a tasty feast. Unfortunately, whether it's pinball or Willy the whale, Mr. Ed or J. Fred assaults, making it to Hollywood is pretty much the worst thing that ever happened to these famous animals.

1 Bubbles the chimpanzee was abandoned by Michael Jackson

Bubbles était autrefois le primate le plus célèbre dans le monde, attaché à la hanche de son compagnon constant, la superstar de la musique Michael Jackson. Heureusement, ces jours sont révolus depuis longtemps. Depuis 2005, il a bénéficié d'une retraite bien méritée de passer son temps entouré par d'autres chimpanzés célèbres, comme Oopsie des années 1970 Show B.J. et l'ours, et Ripley, qui célèbre une fois craché sur Kramer lors d'un épisode de Seinfeld. Malheureusement, il a fallu de nombreuses années pour arriver ici.

Dans les années 80, on ne pouvait pas cligner des yeux sans avoir un aperçu des bulles, souvent habillés en costumes assortis avec son célèbre ami. Le chimpanzé dormait dans un berceau dans la chambre du chanteur excentrique au ranch de pays imaginaire, et même utilisé ses toilettes quand les deux ne sont pas tournées dans le monde.

Le roi de la pop a adopté des bulles d'un centre de recherche au début des années 80, par un rapport l'ayant arraché des bras de sa mère. Les deux sont rapidement devenus inséparables, aidant à inaugurer le  "Wacko Jacko " phase de la carrière du chanteur. Malheureusement, si elle était prévisible, Bubbles a grandi, et a grandi ingérable, même en attaquant un jeune Rashida Jones à un moment donné. La superstar le déchargea bientôt sur un dresseur d'animaux, avant que le Centre pour les grands singes l'ait emmené en 2005. De nos jours, il recule toujours des caméras, l'héritage durable de son temps dans l'orbite gantée.

2 National Pupil pamphlet was the victim of an unsolved murder

It was just a matter of time until Cheeseface the dog took a bullet. His story debuted on the cover of National Pamphlet, a comic magazine that struggled to keep its doors open in the early '70s until the dog honored his cover with a gun to his head. The legend under his brow wrinkled read, "If you do not buy this magazine, we will kill this dog." the magazine instantly became a hit.

Cheeseface soon retired on a state farm. No really. It's not like your childhood dog. Oh no. do not you know what really happened to ... you know what, never mind. Let's just say that Cheeseface did not let celebrity go to her head, live the simple life in the country.

That's until someone hunted down the black and white bastard and put a real shot in the head. To this day, nobody knows how or why it happened, but it shows that there is a price to pay to be famous, even if you are just a dog with a dream.

Today, the chimpanzee was drugged by his co-star

Today's show may feel like an institution nowadays, but back in 1953 it was the new kid on the block, and it was Tanker. Host Dave Garroway was just not moving the morning hand, so the news program did what any responsible reporter would be in the situation and brought a chimpanzee to co-star.

Yep, J. Fred assaults the chimpanzee was brought aboard and instantly turned the show into a smash, by some accounts earning NBC an additional $ 100 million in the process. The 10-month-old primate illuminated the screen, with more than 350 outfits and a talent for the piano. He was soon on world tours and competing with the biggest stars of Hollywood in terms of celebrity. The 50s were weird, all of you. Anyway, viewers could not get enough. But one person could, and it was Garroway.

The jealous co-host was furious, he had to share the air with an animal, and rumored to have tried to sabotage the whole experience. Presumably, Garroway started lacing the orange juice with assaults with benzedrine, hoping to boost the animal and create a scene on the air. The assaults lasted five years on the show, surviving a rumor that he bit his co-star and on-set tantrums that became legendary. When the assailants were eventually replaced by a younger (typical) chimp, he was moved to a cottage of his own in Florida. And to get that, he lives there until today, continues to be strong in his sixties from this writing.

4 Pinball committed suicide

Kathy the Dolphin was one of the five porpoises to play pinball, and she was definitely the one with the grisliest end. In a world where dolphins are forced to be abused by drunken tourists in overpriced resorts, one would think a TV star would have a better life. But according to animal rights activist and former dolphin coach Richard O'Barry, she has actually chosen to end her life rather to endure more time in captivity.

O'Barry was actually capturing Kathy in the wild and training her in the fin she was going to become. But living in a secluded room is not all that it is cracked to be, and she could not take it anymore. As O'Barry recalls, she swam in her arms, then held her breath and sank to the bottom of the pool.

 "Suicide was what turned me around," O'Barry told Time Magazine. "The [entertainment animal] industry does not want people to think that dolphins are capable of killing themselves, but they are self-conscious creatures with a brain bigger than a human brain." If life becomes so unbearable, they just do not take the next breath, it's a suicide. "In fact, Kathy is not the only dolphin to commit suicide in captivity. Peter the Great Dolphin did the same thing, after being separated from his trainer, animal researcher Margaret Howe Lovatt, who led a famous dolphin-centered experiment in the 1960s that included "Adult" favors. Mhmm.

5 Oliver the Humanzee was sold to a research center

Has a famous animal ever created quite Oliver's uproar "the Humanzee?" after being brought to America from Congo in the 1960s, its uniqueness was immediately apparent. From one, he walked upright without being trained to do so. His features were smaller, his eyes lighter, and his hair had the look of male pattern baldness. He seemed more human than other chimpanzees, so much so that rumors circulated that he was a hybrid.

When he moved with Frank and Janet Burger, famous animal trainers for their work on the Ed Sullivan Show, he began doing chores spontaneously and even developed a habit of morning coffee and evening cocktails. He was soon transported around the world, meeting foreign dignitaries in tuxedos and being billed as some kind of missing link.

Unfortunately, with puberty came an attraction for human women, and he was forced to pass from his coaches, sold to a laboratory in 1986. Fortunately, because he was so unique, the research center did not know what to do with him. He spent his dwindling days in a chimpanzee reserve, surrounded by his species for the first time. And while rumors have persisted for years that he had 47 chromosomes, the number between a normal man and a normal chimpanzee, when he was finally tested in 1996, he was 48, proving once and for all that he was just a single monkey, not a hybrid.

6 Someone accidentally killed Mr. Ed

A horse is a horse, of course, of course, unless that horse is Mr. Ed-or, if we go by his birth name, bamboo harvester. But bamboo, who played the famous horse on the popular series for years, is also famous for the mystery surrounding his death.

While Mister Ed has a permanent burial site in Oklahoma, with funds raised for the tombstone by the show's fans, the star of the series, Alan Young, once said the funeral plot was fraud. In fact, a stunt horse, used for promotional shooting, was buried in Oklahoma. The real Mr. Ed would have met a death much more sordid. According to Young, as bamboo ages, he was cared for by a secondary caregiver, who grew preoccupied one day when he saw the horse rolling around on the floor, unable to get up. Unsure of what to do, he gave the horse a tranquilizer, but got the wrong dosage, overdose of geriatric Gelding. Bamboo died as a result, and death was covered.

Suffice to say, the good people of Oklahoma are not too pleased with the revelation. A writer wrote in Weird Oklahoma, "Multiple dogs have played Lassie, and none of them are considered" fake "Lassies.Therefore, we say Tahlequah is indeed the last resting place for everyone to talk about favorite horse".

7 A malfunction tortured a NASA chimpanzee in space

We like to think of our first astronauts as American heroes. Men who had good things, and he had pikes. But before they ever slipped the snarling links of the earth, NASA had to make sure they would survive the slide. This is where a slew of test animals came from, the most famous of a highly qualified team of chimpanzees who surely had no idea what they were going to put in.

There was ham, the first primate in space, and Enos, the first American primate to Orbiter on earth. But it was Enos that had one of the darkest moments in NASA history when the "avoidance of conditioning" chimpanzees had been trained against it.

It was a faulty switch that did it, which shocked Enos, no matter what button he touched. Whenever the chimpanzee went through his routine, doing all the right things, he would get stuck on the broken switch again, and receive dozens of shocks before the system automatically moved. It was torture, not helped by the fact that the poor primate had just been thrown into the cold confines of space. By the time her capsule returned to earth, she missed her landing spot, and he was stuck inside for another three hours. Unfortunately, no parade welcomed him. In fact, he would have died in the year from a bad case of dysentery.

8 Rin Tin Tin was saved from the battlefields of World War I

Rin Tin Tin, the real life dog, lived a life almost as legendary as the plays he played in the movies. While he was one of the biggest stars of the silent film era, his beginning could not be more humble. It was found by Lee Duncan, an American soldier, during the First World War, the only survivor of a destroyed kennel.

Rinty, as Duncan called it, would go on to live the American dream, becoming a raffle of the box office that revisions argued might really work. NPR journalist Scott Simon called the Wolf Shock "his hamlet" because of his athletic ability and "immensely expressive" face.

While there were rumors that he died under extraordinary circumstances, perhaps even in the arms of the screen siren Jean Harlow, the truth is unclear. It was just his time. Yet, an orphan rescued from a bombed-out building that continues to be one of the biggest stars in the world? Now it's a story that could be turned into a movie.

9 "The life of Pi'Tiger almost dies, Animal Rights Monitor tries to cover it up to

The American Humane Association has a job, and it is to protect animals. But, like the Hollywood Reporter sussed in 2013, things are not always what they seem. Gina Johnson has been a monitor for the AHA on Pi's entire film life Ang Lee. His job was to make sure that King Tiger, who played one of the central roles in the movie, was used responsibly. And boy has she messed up. During a particularly difficult shooting, King had to swim in a water tank, but something went wrong.

As Johnson sent a colleague in 2011, "last week we almost f * cking killed King in the water tank. ... This one take with him just went really bad, and he got lost trying to swim on the side ... damn almost drowned ... I think that goes without saying, but do not mention it to anyone, especially the office! "Finally, she punctuated the e-mail with the statement, "I played down the f * ck out of it."

Not good when the only person responsible for your security is actively trying to hide abuse. The AHA responded to the controversy: "[Johnson] probably exaggerated.It was a close call? What is indisputable is that no harm has come to the king.Hould you say he has had a moment? But he continued to work. "No worries, everyone! He would certainly have said something if he was really upset.

10 The animals "Milo and Otis" were tortured

Once upon a time there was a children's movie called The Adventures of Milo and Otis, about a kitten and a dog puppy who were best friends. It was full of adventures, intrigues, laughter, and loads of cute and cuddly creatures. And, if the legend is to believe, it was also a real Snuff movie.

When the film originally debuted in Japan in 1986 under the title Koneko Monogatari (a kitten story), it was geared toward adults, with a number of poignant scenes that were eventually cut off from the American version. Chatran the cat, renamed Milo for the American public, was soaked in cold icy water, cast on a waterfall and cliff in the ocean. According to rumors, one of Japan's largest animal rights group said that more than a third of the 30 cats used for the film did not survive the process, and a 1990 article in the Sunday Mail tabloid claimed a cat's paw was intentionally broken so that it would be soft through an SCE does.

While Columbia Pictures has dramatically altered the film for the American public, adding Goofy's storyline to Dudley Moore and a subplot about the puppy and cat adopting a baby chick, many more disturbing stunts are still visible in the film. If anything, the tag at the end of the reading credits "the animals used were filmed under strict supervision with the utmost care for their safety and well-being," was disturbing, considering that it would normally read something like "no animal was harmed".

11 'Willy'baleine free had to be trained to be a whale again

It could have been a story for ages, a movie star whale returned to the wild after years of neglect. Unfortunately, this story would not have a happy ending. Keiko the killer whale was captured as a puppy off the coast of Iceland in the 1970s. Separated from his family, he was trained to perform tricks in a water park in Mexico. It was a difficult life, and we probably would have never heard of it if it had not been cast as the star of the 1993 free Willy movie.

The plot of the film centered on a boy trying to release a friendly whale of captivity, bringing the irony of Keiko's life forward and center. In fact, as the New York Times reported, Keiko was "forced to swim in the endless circle [sic], his dorsal fin was falling. He was severely underweight, and he developed lesions from a skin virus. "Indeed, if nothing had been done, Keiko would have been dead for months.

Money is quickly poured around the world. Fans saved and saved, adding to a silver pool of Warner Brothers and human society. The plan was to train Keiko to be a whale again, then release him into the wild. Unfortunately, no matter what the intentions, some dreams are too big. Keiko is indeed released in Norwegian coastal waters, monitored and fed for about a year, before suddenly dying of pneumonia. He was 27 years old, and for a brief moment, finally free.

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