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Cases of unresolved mysteries that have been resolved since

Cases of unresolved mysteries that have been resolved since

Television gets a pretty bad rap - how many people do you know who have sufficingly declared their freedom from the "idiot box" while also implying that you are one of the idiots who has been enslaved by that box, just because do you like watching Game of Thrones and you once Spen t 48 hours Binge-watching old episodes of Lost? Well, despite what these critics and your parents have always said, TV is not bad. In fact, sometimes he does a little good.

Unsolved Mysteries, which was created in 1987, featured more than 1,000 unresolved crimes, missing persons, mysterious events, and other unanswered questions. More than half of the mysteries presented on the show have since been resolved, many of them because of viewer advice. Conclusion: not a silly box. If you do not count reality shows. And most talk shows. Anyway. Here are some of the unsolved mysteries that have been clarified.

Do you want to buy a baby?

Georgia Tann thought it was ok to take babies from poor and single mothers, as long as you gave them to rich couples. Well, "gave" is a kind of strong word, more like "sold," but that $ 750 adoption fee definitely helped him feel less guilty.

According to the Times, Tann's black baby market was in operation from the 1920s to the 1940s, and it is estimated that it took more than 5,000 babies from their parents. Tann used his position as county director of the Tennessee Children's Home Society to gain trust and avoid lawsuits, and parents who fought back found themselves against the judges who were on the payroll of Tann. And so she fled with this for decades-she died in 1950, just three days before the investigators finally closed in.

Unsolved Mysteries featured the story in December 1989, and the show prompted over 600 calls from people who thought they might be victims. At least 50 of these cases were resolved within the first eight months of the program's release, including Lynn Heinz, who was "sold to a doctor" at the age of 5, and Sandra Kimbrell, whose mother was been told that she died of pneumonia after Georgia Tann took her to a hospital "for a check-up." As you look at it, this story has only one happy ending for the mere fact that many of these people have learned the truth.

2 The missing fan

The worst unresolved mysteries always involve missing children, and these stories are so much more heartbreaking when the child's parents find hope renewed, only to have the horrible truth revealed.

Kari Lynn Nixon, aged sixteen, disappeared in 1987 in her own neighborhood. His case was presented on unsolved mysteries in May 1989, but the story failed to produce good leads.

A few years later, Nixon's mother was looking at a new child on the video Block (Remember?) When she spotted a girl in the audience who she thought looked like her daughter. Nixon was a fan, so it seemed plausible that the girl could have been her. The story of Nixon made it a second episode of unresolved mysteries, which featured the video clip. New kids are involved, asking the girl to come forward. And then the girl showed up, but it was not Nixon.

The truth about Nixon's disappearance was finally revealed in 1994, when his murderer confessed to the crime. According to the Republican press, bank robber Robert Jones has reached an agreement with prosecutors: information about Nixon's death in exchange for a lighter sentence for his wife, who drove the car away during a flight. As it turned out, Jones had kidnapped, raped, and murdered Nixon while she was on her way home. He buried her in a shallow grave a few miles from her home.

3 That the psychic time was actually right

Everyone knows pretty much the mediums are frauds, because duh, of course they are. And then you read a story like this and you're not so sure anymore.

In 1994, unsolved mysteries featured the story of John and Nancy Bosco, who were found murdered in their home in Ferndale, Montana. According to the Malsoule, when the police failed to find many tracks, John Bosco's mother called a psychic-a guy named Dannion Brinkley who, like the flash, got superpowers when hit by the lightning. Brinkley said that the killer knew the Bosco and that he was familiar with their house, which would not be shocking, but then he said the killer was young, male, a college student from the West, and would be taken in December 1993, which is much more specific.

Then, in December 1993, Joseph Shadow Clark (Yes, his real name) told students at George Fox College in Oregon that he had killed people, which is kind of a bizarre confession to a Christian college. because of all ten commandments thing, but no matter. Anyway, Clark was arrested, the case was resolved, and the unresolved mysteries ran the story in October 1994-yes, after the killer was caught-but the real mystery as to Regarding the show was how the psychic was so spot-on. Not that he actually helped solve the murder or anything, but still. Bizarre.

4 The Butcher Real Bay Harbor

In this horrible, horrible, horrible story, a mother and her teenage daughters were on vacation in Florida, and then they were found dead in Tampa Bay, tied up, gagged, and weighed down with concrete blocks. According to the Los Angeles Times, the three were on a long road trip to their family farm in Ohio. On the way, they stopped at the Jacksonville Zoo, SeaWorld, Epcot Center, and Disney MGM Studios, before accidentally meeting the worst human being on earth, who offered to take them on a small boat ride around the bay , then raped and murdered all three of them. The only real evidence of the police was a note with directions to a local hotel, which was not in the writing of one of the victims.

The story was featured on unsolved mysteries in November 1991, but none of the advice that came in helped at all. After several years without leads, the police decided to try something that had never been tried before - they put the handwritten note on a billboard.

Now that just looks like a desperate stab in the dark, until you keep reading and discovering that it only took one day before the police got the killer's writing samples. They identified Oba Chandler and arrested him two months later. He was executed for the crimes in 2011, and has since been linked to other similar crimes.

5 "The bones of Gabby"

When Gabby (not his real name) moved away from Thermopolis, Wyoming, he left some stuff with his Newell friend sessions, including a trunk with a lock on it.

Now, if someone you know has left you a trunk with a lock on it and not coming back for six years, what would you do? Do not say you would not open the chest, you would do it totally. Anyway, Newell sessions opened the chest and found a human skeleton inside. But instead of calling the police, the sessions thought he should call Gabby, you know, to give him time to find a cover story or disappear.

Gabby said of the sessions that he had bought the trunk at a garage sale and had no idea what was in it, which would mean he had the way, much better self-control than his friend did . So the sessions called the police, and the police realized that the guy in the trunk had been murdered, but that was all they could find. Then Gabby committed suicide.

The case appeared on unresolved mysteries in February 1993. According to the Global Dispatch, a bystander told detectives his uncle murdered his father in 1960 and buried him in a chest. Evidently, the murderer then buried the trunk, took him to Wyoming, and left him home from Newell's sessions. DNA samples confirmed the skeleton was the father of the woman, whose name was.

6 Radio confessions

When you're a DJ and you're hosting a show segment called "Confess Your Crimes," at some point, you're probably going to get a call that's out of bounds for a morning radio show.

In 1991, two morning DJs at the Los Angeles KROQ radio station did a little where they encouraged the listeners to call with horror stories-you know, like cleaning a toilet with a toothbrush. roommate or knock on the mailbox of an enemy. Then one morning, a guy called with a confession about a murder. No matter how serious your radio is, if someone calls you to confess to a serious crime, you have to go to the police, so that's what they did.

Confession has also found its way to unsolved mysteries, which have spread it twice. The police were flooded with tips - according to the Los Angeles Times, it took several weeks to work through hundreds of tracks. Some of the leads come from bereaved families of murdered loved ones.

You can guess what happened next: the radio station had suspicions and conducted an internal investigation, and-surprise-it turned out that all this was a hoax, made to gain publicity for the morning show. The two DJs were fined $ 12,170 for the 149 hours of police spent trying to solve the crime. Ouch.

7 Amnesia?

Imagine waking up in New Orleans and not knowing who you are. Do not worry if it's a scary thought because (spoiler) it might not have actually occurred. But a woman did a pretty good job convincing everyone that he had.

The woman, who sort of thought her name might be "Gigi" was found wandering the streets of New Orleans in 1995 carrying a lot of really weird stuff, including four pairs of scissors and a gold-plated table setting. She spent four months in a psychiatric clinic, and then, at some point, someone had the brilliant idea to call unsolved mysteries, which had to be terrifying since once her identity was established, she was going to have a very big medical bill to pay.

According to the associated press, a former collaborator saw her on the show, called, and ottoman, she was Belinda lin. But her family was skeptical of her story - they said she had been diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 18 and had been out of her medication for years. His father also told a reporter that he "would like to know what happened to him that was so terrible that she decided that she must forget everything." He also hinted that he really did not want to face to his emotional problems. So hands wiped! And that's how you handle emotions, children.

8 Murder by genetic disorder

The only thing worse than the death of your child is when the police accuse you of being responsible for it. According to the Bluhm Legal Clinic, in the 1983 Ryan 3 year stallions, there were high levels of ethylene glycol in his blood - this is the chemical found in the antifreeze. Since a child of 3 months does not have the necessary motor control to accidentally drink antifreeze, doctors suspected of poisoning, and the baby has been placed in preventive detention. It seemed fine until his mother, Patricia Stallings, was allowed to visit him-and then the next day he died.

Stallions, who were pregnant, were arrested and charged with murder. When his second son, David, was born, he was immediately placed in protective custody, but then he became ill, too, and similarly high levels of ethylene glycol were found in his blood. The Twist-Stallings had not been near him when he nauseated.

Because David's doctors were not incompetent, he was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Methylamalonic Academia (MMA), which mimics ethylene glycol poisoning. And yet, Stalling's lawyer inexplicably failed to mention all of this during her murder trial, so she was sentenced and sentenced to life in prison.

In May 1991, Stallings' story appeared on unsolved mysteries, where he was seen by William S. Sly, a biochemist and molecular biologist. Sly was able to test Ryan's blood and confirm that he was also dead from MMA. Patricia was finally released, and David was returned to his parents.

Because murder is easier than having a baby

Daphne Boyden was 17 when she was murdered in her Vallejo, California, home in 1996. The killers burned her body and escaped with her 25-day-old son, the-Zongo Williams. Witnesses reported seeing two girls leave the crime scene, but after that, police did not have a trail.

The case was presented about unsolved mysteries in November 1996, but it was not until 2002, six years later, when the police were finally able to solve the crime. According to SF Gate, an anonymous tip came shortly after the unresolved mysteries segment was rebroadcast. The killer was LaTasha Brown, who, with the help of a cousin, shot down Boyden and set fire to cover his tracks. She first fled to Texas, where she obtained a fake birth certificate, then returned to Vallejo and raised the child just 3 km from the crime scene.

Prosecutors said Brown had a previous relationship with the baby's father, and jealousy had forced him to commit the murder and steal the baby. Brown was sentenced to 37 years in prison.

10 The 37-year-old runaway

37-year-old Susan Bachman was suffering from anxiety and depression, and was quite troubled that she agreed to voluntarily engage in a psychiatric center in Clarion, Pennsylvania, in July 2014. According to ABC News, while on her way to the center, she became restless and jumped out of her parents' vehicle at about 50 mph. the witnesses saw her roll as she hit the ground, then stand and flee into the woods.

Bachman's parents called the police, and a search and rescue team rode the woods with dogs and a helicopter. They found Bachman's cell phone and wallet in an abandoned barn, but there was no trace of Bachman. The case was presented on the Unsolved Mysteries website in September 2014.

Tips from viewers did not solve this mystery, just the time and the work of the police. In March 2015, Bachman's purse was found in the woods where she was last seen, and the month of September preceding her clothes had been located in the same general area. The police found his skull and jaw as they rummaged through the woods with dead dogs. The coroner ruled her accidental death, probably the result of injuries sustained when she jumped out of the car.

11 A happy meeting

Racism has caused more tragedies, both big and small, than any other social problem. One of these little tragedies occurred at Jamestown in the fall of 1953, when a white woman fell in love with a black man.

The couple - Eleanor Wozniak and John Elias - lived in secret and intended to get married. When Wozniak became pregnant, the couple decided to tell her family. "I thought that once they knew I was pregnant it would be accepted and we could get married," she told Buffalo news. Instead, his father chased Elias with a shotgun and the words, "no black bastard comes into my house."

Wozniak's parents forced her to give the baby, Rose Marie, for adoption. The couple was separated, until years later, when Elias, now married, wondered what happened in Wozniak and began to find her. After their meeting, they decided to appear on the unresolved mysteries in the hope that someone, somewhere can know the whereabouts of their daughter.

Rose Marie, who was now Sally Lou, was 37 years old and lived in Pennsylvania when a friend of her adoptive mother saw the story on television. The family was soon reunited, then racism in America ended and everyone lived happily ever after. Not really this last part, but Sally Lou was actually engaged to a white man, so times are changing. A little.

12 Interrogation with the vampire

Because the best mysteries always involve whack jobs who think they're vampires, in 1996 Richard and Naoma Wendorf, a middle-age couple in Florida, were "bludgeoned to pulp with a metal bar." The case was featured on Unsolved Mysteries in February 1997, but the police already kind of sort of knew who did it.

According to the Independent, police had been investigating a local "vampire cult," starting with a break-in at a dog shelter in which two animals were killed and a third one had to be euthanized because it was injured so badly.

The Wendorf's daughter Heather was involved with 16-year-old Rod Ferrell, who once had to pay $30 in video store late fees because he kept a copy of Interview with the Vampire for two weeks. Ferrell was part of a vampire cult that drank human blood and may have had as many as 30 members. 

Heather, Ferrell, and three other self-proclaimed vampires were arrested and charged with murder. Heather was later cleared, but Ferrell pleaded guilty, insisting he'd only done it because Heather told him she hated her parents and wanted them dead. He was sentenced to death, which shouldn't have been a problem for him unless it was death by wooden stake or decapitation, but then his sentence was downgraded to life in prison because he was only 16. Except that he told everyone he was 500, so death by wooden stake might have actually been totally appropriate.


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