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Rough things that really happened to Pro athletes while competing

Rough things that really happened to Pro athletes while competing

The ideal athlete is basically an agile Greek statue with a healthier complexion - perfectly carved, free of anemia, and unencumbered by disgusting bodily functions. This last point is particularly important because no one wants to imagine a flawless physical specimen on the toilet. Our sports heroes should be pooplessly perfect. Unfortunately, reality does not work that way. Even someone whose abs could be confused with a huge corn cob struggling with the same unpleasant piping as the rest of us.

Pro athletes probably have some of the most rude difficulties associated with the bathroom because of the stress they put their body through. When you constantly tighten your muscles, you are forced to squeeze something undesirable in front of a crowd one day. The chances of yuckiness jump drastically if an athlete occurs while he is sick. And when athletes are not dealing with their own uncooperative bowels, they sometimes have to put up with other shit, not to mention outrageous behavior by rivals and fans. Here are some of the coarser things Pro athletes have endured while competing.

An Olympic size swimming poo

The idea of ​​swimming in a rinsed toilet sounds ridiculous and not just because the bowl is too small. No sane person would submit to the funky Chunky horror beneath the surface of the water. Still, if you make this toilet really big, replace the bowl with a beach, and launch in the promise of a brilliant prize, professional athletes virtually swim in it. Case in point: Rio.

Without wishing to offend you, Brazil, but the beaches of Rio de Janeiro are like a toilet clogged with a laxative part. According to the independent, the waters are a receptacle for garbage, raw sewage, and even human corpses, none of which should ever enter your body. Despite this, many athletes are chasing their health down the drain by competing in this mess. In 2016, ACE Buchan, then the 10th best surfer in the world, told PRI that he experienced vertigo, nausea and months of stomach trouble after competing in Rio.

Clearly, the abject poopiness of water has raised concerns about the Rio 2016 games. In 2015, 13 American rowers contracted a stomach illness to participate in an Olympic test race. A Rio doctor warned Olympic swimmers not to open their mouths while competing because they "literally swim in human shit".

2 It's raining rats and bull heads

Emotionally charged rivalries can bring out the worst of sports fans. When spectators turn athletes into enemies, all rationality evaporates, leaving the toxic hostility of blind tribalism. At that moment, humans expose themselves as bubbling, hairless monkeys who are barely shy to throw their excrement at opponents. And even if modesty substitutes for that stinking desire, some fans throw things that are just as bad as Fudge's booty. For example, in Denmark, at least one rabid soccer fan threw dead rats.

In 2017, the Danish Superliga Brondby team welcomed its longtime foe, FC Copenhagen. Towards the end of the game the home team trailed 1-0, and the defeat seemed imminent. As Copenhagen player Ludwig Augustinsson set up a corner kick, a bitter Brondby fan (or fans) unleashed what the independent called "vermin rain." two dead rats landed at Augustinsson's feet, disrupting his attempt.

Something just as twisted happened during a 2016 football game in Dresden, Germany. The Dresden Dynamo went stall-to-cleat with the bulls reviled Leipzig. As the freelancer explains, the Leipzig team has become a soccer pariah because of its financial ties with Red Bull. Presumably inspired by the godfather's horse scene, the Dresden fans showed their disdain by throwing a bull's head cut near the field. Dynamo was fined £ 54,000 for the actions of their fans.

3 The stomach of the gun pulls the trigger

You can not win to lose, but if you are Pete Sampras you can win for losing your lunch. In 1996 the tennis icon known as "Pistol" Pete sought to defend his US Open Championship under discouraging circumstances. According to the launderer's report, Sampras coach Tim Gullikson had recently disappeared from a brain tumor. Earlier in the year, he lost three majors, putting his No. 1 ranking in jeopardy. So when Sampras reached the quarterfinals of the United States, he was determined not to blow his opportunity. Instead, he exploded pieces.

For more than four hours, Sampras malignant joy has dueled with Spanish Alex Corretja. During this period, he vomited four times, once on camera. His reversal ate so much time that the referee issued a warning for the delay in play. Sampras's strength diminished as the match continued, and according to the associated press, he seemed likely to fainting. But his mutinous stomach and diminishing energy did not stop him from getting out. Sampras won the tournament.

Sometimes the 'E' in WWE stands for 'excrement'

WWE is known for its highly scripted matches. But while the results of the competitions are expected, the things that come out of the wrestlers is not sometimes. Much more often than we would like to imagine, the things in question is poop.

WWE Big Mastodon show shared a humiliating anecdote with Sam Robert Wrestling podcast. In the 2000s, he participated in former UFC champion and furless Grizzly Bear Brock Lesnar in South Africa. At one point show received a suplex too, and in her words, "That's all she wrote." a normal mortal would have shuddered at the thought of manipulating a 7 foot man who had just got dirty, but Lesnar just laughed.

Thirty time champion John Cena also encountered stomach problems during a game against scarily muscular Scott Steiner. According to 411 Mania, he had food poisoning and could hardly contain himself. Once the match was over, he hid under the ring and sprang from both ends.

The Wrestler Hall of Fame Bret Hart (above) had a sickening appeal while competing against the 589-plus-pound yokozuna in India. Hart told Yokozuna that he felt under the weather, and the evidence was in his tights soaked in diarrhea. Horribly, the great man's finishing maneuver involved plopping himself on the opponents. Hart wisely moved off the road.

5 Do not drink the yellow Gatorade

No matter how fast or strong you are, you can not sow or overbite your bladder. When this thing reaches its full capacity, it will discharge with or without your permission. This problem affects all types of athletes at one time or another, which is why ESPN has described urine as "perhaps the most influential and disruptive fluid in the sport." In 2013 former Carolina Panther Jordan Gross has provided a window into the wacky world of the NFL Pee Breaks.

Because players are supposed to be on the field at all times, there is not much time to get rid of the gallons of Gatorade they drink. They must therefore find alternatives to the use of toilets. According to the crude (above), there were several options with varying degrees of viability. The rainier method was simply to let go of the white pants, which, in addition to being hilarious perceptible, slowed down. Then there was the "T-Pee Rideau," which resulted in urinating in a cabin full of towels and parkas. However, for this to work, he had to trust his nearby teammates not to joke.

The most cumbersome and undoubtedly less considerate solution was to pee in a cup and just leave sitting around. In the case of Gross, he was a non-starter because he had broken his fingers wrapped in tape. However, his teammates did it so often that Panthers' blues mixed up the inside liquid with Gatorade. He did not say if someone accidentally swallowed it.

6 Did a bird drop a Deuce in this guy's mouth?

Ashley Young (above) is a soccer player, but his true calling could be competitive diving. The Manchester United winger has a well-documented flop story like a salmon on a trampoline. However, in 2014, instead of his fall, something fell into his mouth.

While playing against Swansea, an unidentified falling object landed in Young's mouth. Whatever it was looked white and viscous, a bit like a cross between a loogie and a spoon of mayonnaise. Twitter users immediately assumed it was bird poop, but as Deadspin pointed out, it could have been very thick spit.

Asked about the incident, Young insisted that his mouth was not a bird toilet. "I can not 100 percent absolutely confirm that it was not a bird poop," he said with a weird level of certainty. One would think that his denial confirms the theory of the spit, but he hinted that someone had tampered with the images.

One of Young's teammates, Luke Shaw, seemed to confirm the theory of bird droppings: "We still laugh at the time he had a bird poop in his mouth against Swansea." If you ask him now, he say it was not a bird poop. "To Young's dismay, the team mocked him with a fake bird.

7 He gives licking and keeps ticking people off

The rules of the NHL impose penalties for fighting, but also recognize that it is an accepted form of self-policing. If a hockey player does something to an opponent who is not called for, they should expect to get savagely stunned in the face with the blessing of unspoken referees. However, the Boston Bruins before Brad Merchant decided it was better to kiss and make up, with a disturbing emphasis on the kiss.

Per UPI, in November 2017, merchant crashed a wet on the Toronto Maple Leafs Center's Leo Komarov after they came on the ice. In April 2018, he made it to Komarov again. In the playoffs, he went from smooching faces to tasting them during clashes. NBC Sports reported that Merchant licked opposing players on two separate occasions.

It's unclear whether a merchant has judged his actions off-putting or funny, but treating a non-will-like person like a lollipop is undeniably scary. The NHL wanted him to stop and publicly warned the merchant that he needed to keep his tongue for himself or to face the punishment.

8 Spray it, do not say it

Have you ever been so furious with anyone that the punches seemed wrong because their faces were not worthy of your fists? When that happens, there is not a swear word or an insult in the world that can do your justice of anger, and yet you feel compelled to say something. Soccer players solve this problem by spitting on people.

Rage-fueled by spit is so common in football that in 2009 the Telegraph issued a list of the 10 worst cases. In one of these cases, a Swiss player hawked a scornful gob on the neck of an Englishman. In another, the legendary Cristiano Ronaldo spit at the groin of a player. In 2017 CBS Sports reported on a nasty spit battle between a Uruguayan player and a Brazilian in which the first caught a wad on the chin.

Football is not the only sport where people spray their anger. In 2006 NFL wide receiver Terrell Owens was fined $ 35,000 for spitting in the face of an opponent. Per the Independent, during the 2018 Tour de France fans hit and spewed on cyclist Chris Froome. And during a 2018 basketball game in Israel former Dallas Maverick Jordan Hamilton hit the back of a player's head with a disgusting missile missile. Be careful, it's raining phlegm.

9 Beating the actual crap out of someone

The real competitors are fighting with everything they have inside, so it's important for them to make sure their interiors are not full of poop. UFC Fighter Justine KIS (left) thought she did that before entering the octagon in June 2017. "I went to the bathroom like 20 times," she recalled. Unfortunately, his bowels had more to give.

The world has learned how much KIS's bowels were when her opponent put her in a Chokehold during the third round of their 15-minute fight. KIS refused to submit, but her colon screamed uncle as she tended to escape. She had no idea what she had done until she finished the match and finally felt the fruits of her work. To add insult to incontinence, she lost by unanimous decision.

Of course, KIS was mortified, but conscientiously waited until his opponent's hand was raised before retreating into the locker room. Instead of locking himself in a bathroom for a thousand years, KIS openly discussed his accident and even cracked a joke about it on Twitter: "I'm a warrior, and I'll never leave #Sh * tHappens haha ​​be from return soon".

10 The PET of the war

MLB Pitcher Derek Holland goes by the nickname "Dutch oven," which alludes to both his last name and his Hot Strings pitching. The term "Dutch oven" also describes the act of pulling bed covers over someone's head and unceremoniously cutting the cheese. Properly, Holland has also forced athletes to inhale their farts while ballooning.

During a radio interview 2014 Holland, who played for the Texas Rangers at the time, revealed that he and his fellow pitchers played nauseating games to avoid boredom in the paddock. In one of these games "you just fart in someone's face and they can not flinch." it sounds like a biochemical assault disguised as fun, but it's nothing compared to the nasal warfare that is the PET bottle roulette. In this raw game, someone tootsie into a mini bottle of water, seal it, and hide it in a bag of unscented bottles. Then players nervously open those bottles until an unhappy soul releases hell on their own face.

The pitchers are not the only people who make gas attacks during baseball games. Former Yankees receiver Jorge Posada told the zone that the referees used to peter on the pitch. Not one to turn the other cheek, he "returned the favor".

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