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Why Do People Get Tattoos?

Do you have a tattoo? What’s your reason for getting it? Or does there need to be one? There are a variety of reasons for getting a tattoo, as there are, as many unique individuals who have them. Each person has a different reason. Some have deep meanings while some just like how it looks on their bodies. In this post, we have gathered some of the more common reasons why people get tattoos. Let’s begin!
To Preserve a Memory
For some, they like to have a symbol of a happy memory that they shared with a loved one. A boat, fish, or anchor could symbolize those fishing trips they had with their grandpa. Cake or other pastries could symbolize all those baking sessions they had with their mom. The tattoo can be simple, yet it could hold a lot of meaning for the individual, and these memories they chose to cherish, by making them permanent on their skin.
To Feel the Pain
Some may not dare get a tattoo just by thinking about the pain itself. But some people also like the thrill of getting one. They say that the pain itself is addictive. It gives you that rush. Only people with a tattoo know how this can feel. In a way, it’s a bond they share with other tattooed people.
It’s Addictive
Once you get your first tattoo, it’s going to feel like you want more. It’s like having a story on your skin and body, and you want to add more to that story as you get older and go on with life. It’s going to be a never-ending story, and there’s always another great tattoo idea that you want to add. For as long as you have that blank skin, there’s always going to be a good tattoo for that spot.
To Express
Most people want to express themselves. Some do this through music, writing, poetry, dance, etc. And just like those forms of expressions, tattoos are a great way to express yourself. It is something that stays with you forever. It’s also a great conversation starter. People would often ask you what they mean, and you get to share a part of your story through your tattoo. It’s an awesome way to meet new people.
To Feel More Comfortable
Some people feel too naked with their bare, tattoo-less skin. Getting tattoos is a way of having a sort of armor, not to just cover up and hide behind them, but it is something that gives them more confidence and more power. They become more comfortable in their own skin. This is a good thing. Once you find something that can allow you to feel more complete, go for it. If it means having tattoos, go get yourself inked. At the end of the day, you want to be able to get out and feel that you have the world to win.
How about you, do you share some of these reasons for getting a tattoo? What’s your personal reason? Share us your story in the comments below!

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