What healthy people really drink in a day
Nobody appreciates the perils of poor health. And with that, just about everyone wants, at least somehow, to become healthier. Even if you already consider yourself a little health conscious, you probably have a common mental list of things you would like to try to improve your health even more. By imitating the habits of healthy people, there is a good chance that you will become a healthy person, too.
Many of the people we consider to be of greatest health do small things every day to contribute to their overall well-being and long-term. From fresh air to mental clarity to staying active for optimal physical health, there are many things you can do to earn your "healthy person" status. Of course, you know you'll also have to learn what to eat - and what not to eat - on your trip to Tip-Top form. But, did you know that what you drink every day also has the ability to transform your health - for better or for worse? Here are the drinks healthy people drink everyday.
1 The good old Agua
You can not talk about what healthy people drink without first considering the always important water. Celebrities in good health, like Gal Gadot and Beyoncé, swear by drinking a lot of water each day. They are not wrong. As the molecule of life, we all need to consume water simply to survive. To thrive, however, your water intake should be above the minimum necessary to sustain life. Yet the answer to how much water you should drink has varied over time. According to the Mayo Clinic, there is no one-fits-all formula. Nevertheless, there are guidelines that you can follow.
National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine have determined that the average healthy woman living in a temperate climate should consume 92 ounces (11.5 cups) of fluids daily. For men with the same circumstances, 124 ounces (15.5 cups) is the magic number. It seems like a lot, but nearly 20 percent of your fluids come from the food you eat. Just be sure to limit yourself to 1 liter (two bottles of 16.9 ounces) of water per hour for optimal health.
2 You may want to add some lemon
The hot lemon water has picked up steam over the years, especially in Hollywood. If you're wondering if it's really good for you, that's it. However, it's not quite the cure-all many people have claimed.
While the warmed lemon drink was said to improve digestion, Michael Russel, a nutrition consultant, explained to the self that it's more speculation than the scientific fact. The drink has also been credited with improving mineral absorption - and that claim is actually true because of the vitamin C content in lemon juice. If lemons are not your thing, though, you can get vitamin C through fruits like strawberries or vegetables like kale and broccoli. Although Kale hot water is not exactly appetizing.
Speaking of hot water, there are advantages to that too. Gina Keatley, a dietitian-nutritionist from New York said self: "the body must do less work to raise the temperature of the water, so it leaves the stomach faster." While with cold water , "it takes energy to heat it to body temperature".
3 A little alcohol,OKAY?
Chances are you've heard conflicting advice about drinking. Some people say that drinking alcohol-in moderation, that's fine. Others say that you should avoid the fermented drink at all costs. It's hard to know who to believe.
"It's safe to say that alcohol is both a tonic and a poison," wrote Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, "the difference lies mainly in the dose." Moderate consumption, which in the United States equals no more than one drink for women and two drinks for men, can be good for your heart and circulatory system. It can also act as a protection against type 2 diabetes and even gallstones. Having an alcoholic drink before eating can even help with digestion. Heavy alcohol, however, not only counteracts these positive effects, but can severely damage many vital organs.
"Given the complexity of the effects of alcohol on the body and the complexity of the people who drink it, general recommendations on alcohol are out of the question," the University explained. Your personal health, family history, and many other factors must be considered before turning to alcohol for its health benefits.
4 Dwight Schrute would be all about this drink
There are not many drinks that beat beet juice, at least in terms of its health benefits. Whether you like or hate the taste of beets, the juice of the colorful root vegetable has some pretty magical properties. According to HealthLine, people who drank eight ounces of beet juice a day suffered a drop in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Other studies have shown that drinking the drink can lower your cholesterol, improve stamina during exercise, and can even work to prevent cancer. It is also a great source of potassium, vitamin C and other important minerals such as iron, calcium and manganese.
Even if you're not a big fan of the earthy flavor of this root vegetable, it's hard to look beyond all the amazing health benefits. And if you like the taste, we would totally understand if you decide to start growing your own beets at the Dwight Schrute.
5 ONE cup (or four) of OJ
Addicted to coffee, it's time to celebrate. Healthy people do not actually drink Java on the reg. While full of healthy goodness, coffee actually makes a large part of Western's average antioxidant intake-far more than most of us are getting fruits and vegetables. Drinking coffee has even been linked to a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The question is: how much coffee should you really drink? Well, it depends. To reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, it is recommended to have at least three cups. Four cups or more has been shown to mild place to avoid cirrhosis, a chronic liver disease, and to improve your mental health and lower the risk of suicide. Those who drink up to five cups a day may even live longer than those who either do not drink coffee or drink less than four to five cups.
The case for coffee is strong, as long as you steer clear of adding tons of sweetener.
6 Tea-especially this kind
If you are not a coffee drinker, you may be happy to know that tea has some health benefits of its own. All types of tea consist of something called polyphenols that work to reduce inflammation and even help fight cancer, according to HealthLine. Green tea is special, however, because it contains a whopping 30 percent of these inflammation-fighting weight. It also contains a lot of catechins, which are essentially antioxidants.
For those who experience coffee jitter, green tea can be a great alternative because it still has caffeine-just not quite so much. Because of another fancy ingredient, L-Theanine, found in green tea, some people find that it provides them with a more stable "buzz" compared to a cup of coffee.
It is no wonder celebrities have been spotted drinking the drink. Kourtney Kardashian wrote on her website (via inStyle): "Since I stopped drinking coffee, green tea has been my go-to." the star likes hot, icy varieties and why not? They are both delicious.
7 You do not have to avoid milk
Nowadays, the theme of fluid milk has become very controversial. While it is true that we are probably the only species that continues to drink milk beyond childhood, it is not necessarily a bad thing in itself.
Cow's milk contains good minerals and vitamins such as calcium, potassium and vitamin D. Researchers have also found that drinking cow's milk can be beneficial for brain health. However, there are risks to consider. For those with lactose intolerance, milk allergy or dairy sensitivity, the symptoms of milk consumption will far outweigh the benefits. You should also be aware when picking dairy products because not all milks are healthy. For example, milk with added sugar is not ideal.
There is also the question of how much milk a person needs to drink each day. Studies have been conducted with varying results, but according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), anyone over the age of nine is recommended to consume three cups of dairy products a day.
8 You might want to start drinking kombucha
You can think of kombucha as the hipster drink par excellence and, while you are not wrong, there are many good reasons to consume the liquid. Kombucha is created by adding strains of bacteria, yeast and sugar to black or green tea. The tea is then left to ferment for at least a week. Meanwhile, the probiotics are formed and the tea becomes gasified. When you drink the fermented drink, you will notice how sparkling - and no doubt delicious - it has become.
When done with green tea, you will get many of the same benefits mentioned earlier. In addition, the fermentation process produces a large number of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which can fight against the bacteria causing infection and Candida yeasts. Rat studies have also concluded that fermented beverage can improve bad (LDL) and good (HDL) cholesterol in just 30 days.
In addition to green tea, Kourtney Kardashian said on his website (via Elite Daily): "Kombucha is one of the only other drinks I drink and when I do, I always feel like it's a treat It has the same sparkling effect as soda because it is naturally gasified, but Kombucha is good for you! "That's right, guys.
9 Tomato juice, probably
Almost as popular as beer, tomato juice is the second most ordered drink on airplanes, time quotes experts as saying. Although, just because the drink is popular it does not necessarily make it healthy, right?
"Most tomato juice has added salt to a shocking concentration," David Katz, director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center, told the publication. And it may come as no surprise to you that salt is not exactly something that we, as Americans are lacking in our diets. Regardless, tomato juice still contains lycopene, an antioxidant that can reduce a person's risk of many metabolic diseases as well as prostate cancer in men. It can even reduce your risk of having a stroke.
Of course, these same ingredients are found in whole tomatoes, less the abundant amounts of sodium. If you do not eat tomatoes regularly, low-sodium tomato juice will certainly be a good way to get some of these health benefits.
10 Hot cocoa (for real!)
During the winter months, hot marshmallow cocoa is probably the best drink in the world. While sipping on the chocolate concoction can feel almost sinful, there are indeed health benefits attached to hot cocoa. In fact, scientists at Cornell University found the drink to actually be better for you than green tea. If you prefer to eat a candy bar instead of slurping down the thick hot drink, you should know that it's not the same thing. "Although a chocolate bar shows strong antioxidant activity, the health benefits are still controversial because of the saturated fats present," the researchers explained. While hot cocoa has only one-third of a gram of fat per eight-ounce serving, a bar of chocolate has a whopping eight grams of fat per serving.
Wondering how you will get all your favorite healthy drinks crammed into the 1 24 hour period? Lee Chang Y. (CY) Lee, the lead researcher of the study, has your back. "Personally, I would like to drink hot cocoa in the morning, green tea in the afternoon and a glass of red wine in the evening," he explained, "it's a good combination." Deal.
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